Time dotCom Bhd (TdC) has launched a 3G pilot trial to test the performance of High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), a next generation 3G technology. It said on May 31 that the trial was to assess how an HSDPA network behaved given different demand patterns. “The results from the trial will provide important input to TdC’s planning process including validation of the proposed commercial strategy and product offering,” it said. TdC, which was recently awarded the 3G spectrum, said to ensure the trial was conducted expediently and effectively, two vendors – China’s Huawei and France’s Alcatel -- were assisting it to achieve the trial objectives. The company said it remained committed to working closely with other vendors throughout the entire process. “In particular, the procurement process will involve a wider set of vendors and will not be limited to just Alcatel and Huawei,” it said. The trial would be for three months, from mid-May, in the Golden Triangle area around Kuala Lumpur.
TdC’s subsidiary TT dotCom Sdn Bhd (TTdC) and MiTV Corporation Sdn Bhd were awarded the remaining two IMT-2000 spectrum by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in March. The 3G spectrum award was conditional upon TTdC providing a detailed business plan within six months from March 3. The other two companies which have 3G spectrums are Maxis Communications Bhd and Celcom (Malaysia) Bhd.-theedgedaily
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