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Nokia announces rash of games at E3

Nokia is showcasing the consumer experience of its new mobile gaming platform at the 2006 Electronic Entertainment Expo. For the first time, visitors can explore the key part of this new experience - a pre-installed application which allows consumers to easily find, buy and play rich and immersive games on a range of Nokia Nseries multimedia computers and other Nokia S60 devices. These next generation mobile games are designed specifically for mobile devices which means they are quick to pick up, fun to play and hard to put down.

“Today, visitors can discover for themselves what Nokia’s next generation mobile gaming strategy is all about,” says Jaakko Kaidesoja, director, games, Multimedia, Nokia. “Our aim with this new strategy is to make entertaining, top quality mobile games accessible to as many people as possible. With this new mobile gaming experience available on a range of Nokia smartphones, we’re making gaming a core part of your mobile entertainment.”

Smartphones, such as the Nokia Nseries range of multimedia computers, are driving the growth of mobile gaming and are integral to Nokia’s mobile gaming strategy. With their advanced telephony and rich internet functionality, Nokia smartphones can provide the highest quality of connected mobile games that are always with you.

“We’ve also announced a strategic cooperation with Gameloft,” adds Kaidesoja. “By working with this leading games publisher, we’re making even more games available for Nokia device owners. This collaboration will improve mobile gaming experiences in our next generation mobile gaming platform.”

Gaming communities are another key element of Nokia’s mobile gaming strategy. The N-Gage Arena will be a core part of Nokia’s next generation mobile gaming experience as well as the SNAP Mobile Java activities.

“The ‘community’ aspect is an extremely important differentiator and all our next generation mobile games will be N-Gage Arena compatible,” continues Kaidesoja. “With the new user interface, the N-Gage Arena is only a few clicks away, providing access to your friends, rivals, heroes and other gamers. We want to not only entertain, but connect gamers to one another by allowing them to share game achievements and chat online.”

Nokia also announced its first range of games for the new mobile gaming platform including: Creatures of the Deep, ONE, Pocket Aces, Pro Series Golf, Space Impact and System Rush: Evolution. -By Jonathan Cheah