El Phenomenon – as footballer Ronaldo is also called – gave us an exclusive interview. Find out how the star of our partner team Real Madrid uses his mobile phone and how many people have his private number.
On average, how long do you use your mobile phone?
I use my cellular very often. And most of the times I talk by phone it is me who makes the call.
Do you consider yourself "addicted to mobile"?
No, definitely, I use the phone but do not consider myself as an addict to it.
To whom would you never give your mobile phone number?
There are very few people who have my phone number.
As an international athlete, who travels a lot, can you imagine your life without a mobile?
Not anymore. Mobile phones solve a lot of problems abroad.
Mainly, what do you use your mobile phone for the most?
I use it for everything but obviously, my family and personal environment are the most important things in my life.
What cellular tools do you use often?
I think the tool I use the least is the voice mail.
What do you have in common with BenQ?
The first thing we have in common is the campaign for this year. In terms of project and winning mentality, I do think that we are in the same line, too.
What is your predictition for the World Cup final game? Will Brazil be there? If yes, against what country?
I hope Brazil get into the final but we cannot give any kind of favorite even to play it because there are many national teams who are able to win the World Cup.
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